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10 Pro Makeup Tips For Women Over 50

10 Pro Makeup Tips For Women Over 50

Getting older is inevitable but looking good is your choice. We all know about the wrinkles and dryness that come with old age. But all these are just challenges that come with old age, and the good thing is that they are all manageable. If you are 50 and don’t believe you can rejuvenate your skin back to a youthful look, it’s time to take a new stand.

There are plenty of skincare products already, but it’s not all about the product at times. It’s what you know, so before you mess up your makeup and blame it on a brand, find out what the pros know about getting that youthful face.

1. Keep Your Skin Moisturized

You may have had the oiliest skin that was probably annoying, but you need that right now if you want to get the most out of your makeup. The best skin for makeup should be hydrated, and that’s why you need a moisturizer. A good moisturizer will compensate for the lost sebum in your skin, giving you oily and hydrated skin. It also helps make the skin plumper and conceal the wrinkles and fine lines.

2. Always Have a Primer

To achieve the real radiance of your makeup, you have to prepare your skin for it. Moisturizing alone is not enough preparation for exceptional luminosity, and that’s where primers come into question. Primers prevent your layer of makeup from settling on the contours of wrinkles and fine lines and help you have a flawless appearance. They also restore the vibrancy of your skin’s complexion, giving you a brighter and hydrated look.

3. Always Apply Foundation

Once you finish with the primer, you can move to apply the foundation. Ensure you look for a lightweight cream instead of powder. Creamy foundations look more natural, plus you won’t have to deal with the fallout. They can stay put all day long.

4. Know Where to Test Your Makeup

You want to see the appearance of the makeup shade and its texture before deciding if it suits you. It’s easy to get tempted to try it on your face, but that’s not the greatest idea. It’s unhygienic, especially if you are using the cosmetic shop’s tester, plus it gets into your way when it comes to the full makeup application. Always avoid testing your makeup on the face. You can test foundation and lipstick on your thumb, while you can test others like eye shadow and concealer on the web between the thumb and the first finger.

5. Apply Makeup on the Eyes First

There is always a risk of dust particles settling in the wrinkles and fine lines, especially if you use powder makeup. For instance, small eyeshadow particles may add to the dreaded dark appearance if they settle below the eyes or cheeks. To ensure you won’t have to redo your face, it’s good you start with the eyes and proceed to the face once the eyes are complete.

6. Apply Your Makeup Outward and Upward

Did you know there is a recommended direction for applying makeup? Well, experts suggest you should apply makeup upwards and outwards. If you are past 50, your skin is probably sagging, and the last thing you want is to pull it further by spreading your makeup downward. Applying upwards helps to counter gravity, so you would rather start from the base of your neck and proceed upwards before spreading outwards along the chin, jawline, and ears.

7. Know the Right Accessories to Use and How to Use Them

There is a wide range of makeup tools with different roles. From the sponges and brushes to liners, you should know when to use each of them. For instance, a makeup sponge should add moisture to the skin and not apply makeup. Many people use them for application, but they suck a lot of makeup, making your containers appear quite uneconomical. If you have been using the sponge for applying your powder or cream of choice, you can set it aside for retouching during the day but not before running it under warm water, then squeeze. Also, press it against your skin as opposed to wiping.

8. Use Concealers

It’s not uncommon to have some dark spots under the eyes or other parts on your face as you age. They could come between your makeup works, and if you want that flawless look, they better not be on show. You can hide them with a bit of concealer, but make sure you apply it after the foundation. You should draw the concealer as an upside-down triangle to deflect the light away from such areas that attract attention.

9. Fill Your Lashes and Brows

The skin around your eyes is one of the first to appear aging signs, so you may want to work on it and touch on the lashes and eyebrows. If you lose the density of the lashes, bring back the definition using an eyeliner. Avoid drawing dramatic lines to keep everything natural. Instead, have some light lining along the lower and upper lash. It will create quite a difference without drawing attention like the false lashes.

The eyebrows may also seem thinner and lightened, so consider using definers to make them appear more defined and fuller.

10. Line Your Lips

As we age, the lips tend to reduce in volume, so your lipstick could end up in places not meant to be. Therefore, it’s necessary to prepare them and ensure the lipstick remains in place. You can use a lip liner to line the lips and give them a fuller look. A little lip gloss can also help make them plumper, but you need to choose the right products.

Final Word

Your makeup routine means a lot when it comes to your appearance. You may have all the right products, but you might never achieve the look you want if you don’t apply properly. Luckily, our pro makeup tips will help you have that youthful face every time you step out of your dressing room.


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