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Adequate Sleeps Help You Achieve Healthier Skin

Adequate Sleeps Help You Achieve Healthier Skin

There are countless beauty products on the market to help people achieve great-looking skin. From skin lotions to misters, the obsession with looking and feeling great is at an all-time high, but there’s a surprising way to help your skin’s health and beauty – sleep. Recently, there’s been a plethora of scientific data and studies to confirm the age-old principle of beauty sleep, as many forms of recovery happen when we’re asleep. Though your daily skin routine is still important, here are six steps to maximizing skin beauty through deeper sleep.

Get a Full Night’s Rest

Sleep is one of the most important natural functions of the human body. It helps regulate and repair many of our systems and leaves us feeling refreshed and ready for the day – but only if we sleep for the recommended seven to nine hours. Cutting your sleep short or waking up several times throughout the night can have negative results: your skin could age faster, recover slower from environmental stress like sun exposure, and generally decline in quality throughout the day. For great skin quality, sleep for seven to nine hours a day, even on weekends. There are products that can help you sleep as well as track your sleep, like specialty alarm clocks and wearable fitness trackers, respectively.

Wash Your Face Before Sleeping

Going to sleep is an instant boost to your skincare routine because sleep helps repair skin, increase blood flow, rebuilds collagen, and relaxes your muscles, but going to sleep with a dirty face can be a massive setback. Before you turn in each night, you should always cleanse your face to maintain a healthy, clean glow. All you have to use is a gentle cleanser to remove dirt, makeup, and extra oil so that these things don’t degrade into dirt and turn your skin extra oily. Without this cleanse, you may experience large pores, dry skin, rashes, inflammation, and even acne outbreaks.

Use an Overnight Moisturizer

Once you’ve washed your face, it can easily dry out overnight. Sleeping can also dehydrate the skin, especially in a low-humidity environment, and while drinking water helps keep you hydrated and refreshed throughout the night, the best solution to dry skin is a topical moisturizer. There’s no need for fancy products or expensive goods here; a thicker cream or oil will help you clean your skin as you sleep. You can also use a day moisturizer and a layer of petroleum jelly on top to lock in the moisturizer. The fanciest product worth using in this situation is an overnight sleeping mask, as these are stylistically designed to keep your skin fresh and clean.

Sleep on Your Back and Use a Special Pillowcase

You sleep nearly one-third of each and every day, and the position you rest in is guaranteed to have an impact on your skin. Compressing your face on a rough, cotton surface will irritate your skin and cause wrinkles. To avoid this problem, try sleeping on your back. Sleeping on your back will decompress the skin and ensure the surface of your rest doesn’t result in skin irritations or wrinkles. You can train yourself to sleep in your back without a problem, but if you must sleep on your side, there are specialty pillowcases made of satin or silk which will minimize skin irritation and compression. In addition, a copper-oxide pillowcase will reduce crow’s-feet and other fine lines.

Elevate Your Head

There are many benefits that have been proven to result from elevating your head while you sleep. Snoring, acid reflux and nasal drip are all substantially decreased when you elevate your head. Removing these factors from your sleep cycle can also have a positive domino effect, as they can all interrupt your sleep cycle and wake you up several times a night. Elevating your head will also help to reduce bags and circles under your eyes by improving blood flow and preventing blood from pooling. The process to head elevation is simple; just use an extra pillow while you sleep or tilt your bed up a few inches if possible.

Don’t Sleep in Sunlit Locations

While it’s true that most sleeping is done at night, there are times when the sun can hit your skin while you sleep. Try to avoid taking naps directly in the sun or letting the sun hit you in a direct way in the morning, as it can have a damaging effect to your skin’s health and appearance. Sleeping in a room where the sun shines frequently can also disrupt sleep rhythms, leading to a restless night and irritability in the morning. It’s never a bad idea to invest in blackout curtains or move your bed out of the direct path of the sun.

Getting clearer, healthier, great looking skin is as easy as improving your sleep schedule, staying hydrated during the night, and avoiding the sun while you sleep. There are no fancy or expensive products necessary, just a slight change in habits.

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