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DIY Turmeric Face Mask For Radiant & Glowing Skin

DIY Turmeric Face Mask For Radiant & Glowing Skin

We all want beautiful skin. There are few beauty disasters as upsetting as a blemish or skin inflammation. For some, skin issues are a day-to-day struggle, whether it be dry skin, wrinkles, or even eczema and psoriasis. If you go to any store, there are what seems like hundreds of products that all claim to do the same thing and all contain tons of chemicals that can be harsh and possibly damage your skin further. Instead, many are turning to an all-natural herb from India for their skin care routine: turmeric.  

What Is Turmeric?

Turmeric is an herb from India. Traditionally, it was known as Indian saffron because of the deep golden yellow-orange color. Throughout history, turmeric has been a widely used herb, ranging in use from condiments to textile dyes to beauty and skin care. It’s a favorite of many because of the incredible healing benefits, both inside your body and on the outside. In fact, brides from India have been using turmeric for ages in body scrubs and face masks to purify and cleanse their bodies in preparation for their nuptials, giving them a healthy, bright glow to their skin. Fun fact: turmeric is also the main ingredient in curry! 

Benefits Of Turmeric

Along with being extremely versatile in its uses, turmeric has proven to have many health and beauty benefits.

Skin Issues

Acne can be embarrassing and painful. Eczema and psoriasis can drive you crazy with the incessant itching. Dry skin can crack and bleed. Wrinkles and dark circles can age you. What helps with all these skin issues? Turmeric! It works by slowing down the damage to the cells and can even go so far as to reduce the pigmentation, leading to a beautiful, even skin tone.

Anti-Inflammatory Properties

Turmeric has a volatile oil and a deep yellow or orange color. This coloring is called curcumin. Curcumin is a phytonutrient and contains anti-inflammatory properties. These have been shown to be as powerful and effective as many drugs on the market today but without the toxicity and dangerous side effects. While it’s often praised for its anti-inflammatory properties from within the body, it can also work to reduce inflammation on your skin, thanks in part to the high levels of antioxidants.

Easy To Make

One reason so many people are loving this all-natural skin care remedy is that it’s easy to use at home. To make a turmeric mask at home, you only need a few ingredients! It’s important to be aware that some have reported having allergic reactions to turmeric after it’s been used on their skin, a risk for all herbs. To be sure you don’t have a severe allergic reaction, test your turmeric mask on a small area of your skin before applying it to your whole face. You may also want to use an old shirt you don’t care about - that beautiful yellow-orange color can leave stains that are impossible to get out.  

Ready to see how turmeric can change your skin care routine? Try this easy turmeric mask recipe!

Turmeric Face Mask

Total Time: 10 Minutes

Makes: 1-2 Applications


  • 1/2 teaspoon turmeric powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon organic apple cider vinegar
  • 1 tablespoon organic, raw, local honey
  • 1/2 teaspoon milk or yogurt
  • (Optional) 1 drop lemon essential oil or fresh lemon juice for additional skin brightening


  • Wash your face and hands thoroughly to remove any impurities and make-up you have on your skin.
  • Using a small bowl, mis together the turmeric powder, honey, apple cider vinegar, milk or yogurt, and lemon oil. You want to aim for a consistency that will stick to your face. If it’s too thin, it will drip.
  • Apply the mask carefully to your whole face while being sure to avoid getting any in your eyes.
  • Let the mask rest on your face for 15-20 minutes and then rinse with warm water.
  • Apply two times per week for the best results. You can save any leftover mask by covering it and leaving it in the fridge.
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