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FAQ - Crepe Repair Cream

What is crepey skin and what causes it?

Crepey skin refers to thin, dry, wrinkled, dull, and sagging skin like crepes. It’s similar to wrinkles but the skin feels looser and more fragile.

It happens because oxidative stress breaks down collagen and elastin fibers that hold the structure of your cells. These fibrous proteins give your skin a youthful, smooth, and springy texture.

As the skin ages, it also loses the ability to hold moisture, causing it to feel dry and more fragile.

Causes of crepey skin include:

  • Excessive sun exposure
  • Bluelight exposure from computers, tablets, smartphones, and TV screens
  • Other sources of oxidative stress, such as pollution, smoking, mental-emotional stress, unstable blood sugar, toxic exposures, and fried foods
  • Hormone imbalances, such as estrogen dominance, can increase fats in the thighs and back of the arms. Whereas menopause can increase fat in the midsection, causing more skin sagging in other areas.
  • Fast weight loss, which requires the skin to catch up
  • Dehydration both from the body’s dehydration and the skin’s inability to retain moisture
  • Toxic ingredients in skincare products and cosmetics, such as parabens, perfumes, and phthalates, which create oxidative stress and hormone imbalances

What are ways to fix crepey skin?

Surgical and dermatologic procedures can fix crepey skin, but they can be invasive, painful, and costly.

To repair crepey skin from inside the cells rather than just plumping the skin up, it is important to use the 4-pronged approach, including:

  • jumpstarting the mitochondria
  • providing your skin with the right anti-aging nutrients and building blocks
  • turning on the anti-aging genes
  • providing the right antioxidants

Hygieia Crepey Repair Cream provide options that help you repair crepey skin without such procedures by addressing all of these aspects.

In addition, consider the following lifestyle changes to minimize skin-damaging oxidative stress:

  • Avoiding excessive sun exposure
  • Minimize blue light exposure from screens
  • Eating a diet that maintains healthy levels of blood sugar
  • Reducing toxic exposure and harmful skincare ingredients
  • Working with a practitioner to balance your hormones
  • If you’re losing weight, lose weight gradually
  • Supporting your mitochondria with red light therapy and exercise